Creating custom content for your website—and for distribution through social media—means more than tapping out a blog about your newest services, posting it, and patting yourself on the back.

To get the most out of your content, it's important that you think in terms of themes. A content theme—generally made up of five pieces posted to your site within a week of each other—allows you to create dynamic, connected content with a hyper-focus on a subject that interests your audience. Each piece builds on the last, until you have a block of content that delves deep into a subject that interests your audience.

To help guide you through the content theme creation process, we've come up with our top four content creation tips.

Each tip builds on the one before it, and if you follow our advice, you—or your designated content writer—will be churning out content that attracts and converts in no time.

#1: Speak to Your Perfect Client

Before you even think about crafting a content theme, be sure you've narrowed down who your perfect client is. Without a sharp focus on exactly who you are writing for, you are wasting your time and money. To figure out precisely who you want to see walk through your door more often, use our picture perfect client questionnaire.  

Example: You could write the best articles ever about toenail fungus, but if your ideal client is more concerned about foot-related running injuries than a fungus, you will be doing nothing to attract more of your perfect patients. In fact, you could be scaring them away. "I want a doc who is passionate about sports, not fungal growth!"  

#2: Keep Content Timely and Topical

Once you've got your ideal client dialed in, it's time to start looking for current events that apply to your business. Never build a content theme about a study done in 1992—or, for that matter, even 2002. All of the information in your content should be new and, when possible, should build on a current news event.

Example: We have had many clients create content themes around a breaking news event. When done right, this strategy has not only gotten them additional website traffic—it's netted them the biggest cases of their career.  

#3: Say Something New

Anyone can go onto WebMD, look up an article on back injuries, and rewrite it. Instead of regurgitating the same old boring content found on most websites, find a new angle on an old subject and dig in. Your content should be in-depth, detailed, and useful to the reader.

Example: Instead of an article that lists types of spinal cord injuries, how about a series of articles that highlight local resources for people with spinal cord injuries? Also, consider interviewing an expert on the topic at hand and using this information to make your article stand out from the crowd. This will give you a fresh perspective and guarantee that your content is truly unique. There are more than 30 trillion websites on the internet—if you want attention, your content must be the best and most unique in your field.

#4 Vary Content Types

You could blog all day, every day, on interesting and timely subjects, but it wouldn't give your readers the depth they are looking for. A content theme is built by using a variety of content types.


Let's stick with the spinal cord injury theme. To get the most out of the important topic, create the following pieces:

Library Article:

Create a detailed list of local resources and support groups for spinal cord injury victims.

News: Feature a new study about treatments for spinal cord injuries.


Consider interviewing a few local spinal cord injury experts. Get their tips and advice for living with a spinal cord injury. Consider writing several blogs, at least one of which speaks directly to the family of the spinal cord injury victim.


Well-crafted FAQs tend to be some of the most viewed pages on a website. Think about what spinal cord injury victims and their families have asked of you. Keep a document with interesting, thought-provoking questions people have asked you, and use them when the theme fits—or build a theme around them.   


A short video—one minute or less—is a great way to tie your theme together. Make sure it's high quality, concise, and interesting. Post it along with each of your themed pieces—an easy task if you're using DSS. 

Got all that? I hope so. Because, time and again, we have found that effectively creating content themes get results that nothing else can. Why? When done right, they show the depth of your knowledge, showcase you as an expert in your field, decrease bounce rates, and increase user engagement.

Are You A Lawyer Or podiatrist Who Wants To Learn How Solid Content Can Earn You More Clients?

If you are seeking a trusted, authoriative partner to help you write content that not only attracts but actually converts into clients, Foster Web Marketing is here to help. Contact us online or call our office directly at 866.497.6199 to schedule your free consultation. We have been helping clients throughout the United States and internationally since 1998 are confident we can help you not only reach, but exceed your goals.  

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