Creating, Editing, and Managing Bio Pages in DSS
Bio pages in DSS serve two main purposes; first, they create a user account, so employees on your team can access DSS, and the second purpose of a bio page is to showcase yourself and your employees on your website!
You can set access levels for your team to determine where they can and cannot make changes, choose whether or not to display their bio on your site and create author tags which can be assigned to different content pieces.
Creating a Bio Page
To create a bio page, select Content from the main navigation in DSS, and then select Bio Pages, Add New. The only required fields to create a bio page are First Name, Title, Headline, and Category, but we strongly encourage you to add more detail if you plan to display the bio on your site! To grant someone access to DSS, you will need to create a Username and Password, as well as an Email Address for password recovery.
If you have more than one office location, you can specify which office the team member works out of in the Member Address field.
Access Levels
Assign an Access Level to grant or deny access to a particular part of DSS. No DSS Access, Moderator, and Client Administrator all have preset levels of access. Assigning the user “Normal” access allows you to configure specific access rights according to their role. If you do not configure access rights for Normal users, the user will have full access to add, edit, and manage all sections of DSS except for other member bios.
No DSS Access allows you to create a bio page on the website without granting access to DSS. These users will not need a Username/Password.
Moderators can access and manage all sections of DSS except for Client Administrator member bios.
Client Administrators have full access to manage all sections of DSS, including other member bios.
You have the option to upload a vCard file (an electronic business card) here to add to your bio page. Users can download your vCard to add your contact information to their Microsoft Outlook Contact list. You can also add a bio image, which will display on the bio overview page. Fill out the standard content fields to build out your bio page, and include your author tag details if you want to display this on the site. An Author Tag allows you to assign an author to a page on your site and includes links to social sites and the author’s bio page.
Use the Display Options and Indexing Option toggles to determine whether or not a bio is displayed on the site.
Learn how to create excellent content (like to what to include and what not to include) for a compelling bio page here.
Categories, Sort, & Author Tag
Categories, as described above, are simply used to categorize the members on your site. For example, you may want to create a “Doctors” or “Attorneys” category, a “Front Desk” category, a “Management” category, etc. This gives users a chance to get to know your staff before they even walk in the door, which can make them feel comfortable and familiar with your team! You can sort your categories to choose which appears first, and then sort the bio pages within those categories under “Sort” in the left sidebar. Finally, you can use the toggle options to display author tags on the top or bottom of different content sections, as well as setting a default author for new content pieces.