Law firms aren’t like other businesses. They don’t get results from cookie-cutter marketing or website technologies focusing on inventory and products. Instead, the best firms need smart websites and powerful, omnichannel marketing to get the fantastic cases and clients they want.

  • Do you want to gain an edge over your competitors so that you can grow your law firm, enjoy your free time, and create a legacy of success?
  • Do you want to do all that WITHOUT getting ripped off by web agency scammers?
  • Don’t you wish you had a specialized team of experienced experts that you could actually trust to be transparent and honest with you while creating a powerful law firm website, driving perfect-fit cases, and keeping your business profitable?
If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Why Professional Services Businesses Trust FWM To Help Them Grow

We’ve grown countless law firms from 6- and 7-figure businesses to 8 figures and beyond.

Who We Help

Your law firm is unique. That means that you need a marketing mix that is different from the marketing mix that drives your competitors and other firms. We know the digital marketing business better than anyone out there, and we’ve spent the past 25 years perfecting it for the legal industry. We will help you create your perfect website and a tailored marketing mix that works exclusively for you.

We offer custom websites, advanced marketing technology, and omnichannel marketing support for law practices of all shapes, types, and sizes.

How We Help Law Firms Succeed Online

We create modern law firm websites that are customized to your business and designed to drive qualified leads and incredible clients. We support you and your team your way—whether you want to do it yourself with coaching from our professionals or you want done-for-you services managed by our experienced team. We put the work in to position you for success with your website, and we help you implement a cohesive strategy across the best mix of marketing channels.

Our dedicated team of law firm marketing experts has over 100 years of combined experience, and we deliver all these client-generating services under one umbrella:

Website Development Customized to Your Brand:

A stunning, responsive website tailored to your law firm's unique brand and goals is essential for making a strong first impression and converting visitors into clients. A clean, modern design optimized for maximum conversions, compelling calls-to-action, streamlined navigation, and fast load times will ensure that every element of your site is strategically designed to engage visitors and encourage them to take action.

Search Engine Optimized (SEO) Content Marketing:

You can’t just rely on potential clients typing your name into search or looking for “lawyers near me.” You also have to meet them in their “research phase” with valuable information, guidance, and your service offering. Our in-house team of writers, editors, and content marketing specialists can create a range of optimized content that establishes you as an authority in your field, builds relationships with potential clients, and makes search engines happy. Create the “know, like, trust” bond on your website with a highly effective content strategy.

Marketing Software Designed Specifically for Lawyers:

Our DSS (Dynamic Self-Syndication) marketing software suite is designed for marketing law firms, and it gives you or your marketing manager all the tools you need to:

  • Manage and optimize your website
  • Publish new content
  • Track your leads and contacts
  • Create and launch new campaigns
  • Automatically tag leads and contacts and put them into follow-up campaigns
  • Check your performance with an easy-to-understand KPI Dashboard
  • And more!
Learn more about DSS (Dynamic Self-Syndication).

Video Marketing for Your Website and YouTube Channel:

High-quality video production is a powerful way to create personal connections with potential clients and strengthen your brand identity. Videos give potential clients more insight into who you are and what to expect when they work with you. They’re an excellent way to establish trust. They also let you tell your "brand story” and educate people about the legal issues that impact their lives and wellbeing.

Did you know that YouTube is the second-biggest search engine for people searching for a lawyer? Don’t miss out on this important channel and the great and loyal clients that it can deliver to you. We offer a full range of video services and packages that are tailored to fit your needs.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) for Lawyers:

Yes, it’s true that PPC campaigns can drive immediate, highly targeted traffic to your law firm’s website. But they can also be a big waste of time and money if you create and manage them without a plan. Our strategic approach to PPC advertising mitigates costs and maximizes results so that you get all the benefits without the risk.

Most web agencies for law firms focus on PPC alone to generate clients and leads and ignore the other channels. That’s because, the bigger your ad spend, the more they make in commissions from Google. PPC is a necessary evil, especially for a volume-based law practice that relies on the quantity of leads that PPC can deliver. But you don’t have to pay more than you should to get results.

At FWM, our PPC management fee is the only thing you pay. We don’t pocket a single cent of your ad budget or have sneaky fees like most of our competitors do.

Media Buying and Paid Advertising Gets You on Streaming, Cable, and Radio:

Traditional advertising has a modern twist! There are all kinds of ways to use paid ads on television, radio, and popular streaming platforms to expand your law firm's reach and increase visibility with potential clients. We help you identify the best channels and markets, develop compelling ads, and deploy a strategic plan that gets results. It’s really important to come up with a customized plan and strategy, with real measurement and accountability, before you start investing your marketing dollars in this channel.

Social Media Marketing for Lawyers:

Social media gives you all kinds of ways to amplify your marketing and nurture long-lasting relationships with potential clients. We guide and coach you to develop a custom social media strategy that aligns with your law firm’s goals and includes just the right mix of compelling content, targeted ad campaigns, audience interaction, and more.

Online Reputation Management That Generates link Positive Reviews:

Your reputation is everything in the legal industry. If you can’t maintain trust and credibility, you can’t attract and retain great clients. We give you the tools and strategy you need to monitor and manage your online reviews proactively, collect positive reviews and testimonials, respond to any negative feedback, and ensure you uphold an excellent reputation online.

Email Campaigns That Deliver Results for Lawyer Marketing:

Email is a great way for attorneys to inform current clients, educate potential clients, and nurture long-lasting relationships. The integrated law firm CRM in DSS and our expert coaching and support make it easy to manage your law firm’s email contact list and deploy targeted emails, newsletters, and campaigns. You can create custom templates, add images and videos to your emails, schedule emails in advance, use AI writing assistance, and even track your email performance at a glance.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Your Law Firm Website:

Your law firm website needs to be optimized to rank highly and drive consistent organic traffic in search. But, honestly, SEO is tough to do on your own. The good news is that we will teach you and your staff how it works. Most web agencies hide this knowledge, but we’ve been teaching law firms SEO since the beginning. Using the DSS software suite and our in-house expertise, our comprehensive SEO services are designed to give lawyers the best results through in-depth keyword research, website structure and content optimization, high-quality link building, and other proven SEO techniques. Everything we do is tailored to the unique needs of law firms so that you can outperform your competitors and quickly attract more qualified leads online.

Fractional Law Firm CMO and Coaching to Keep Your Goals on Track:

Not every law firm is in the position to hire a full-time Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) or DIY their marketing without a guide. Our Fractional CMO program gives you the leadership, expertise, and results of a traditional CMO, without the added costs of a full-time executive employee.

We can also deliver personalized coaching, hands-on training for yourself and your staff, and time-saving tools. Plus, we regularly host live events that help you build your skills and expand your knowledge.

Life-Changing Digital Marketing Results

Driven By Data, Executed By Seasoned Professionals With World-Class Customer Service

Hupy & Abraham
Hupy & Abraham
+ 76 %Higher Conversion Rate
+ 1,609 %More Leads

Year After Year of Success

A responsive design and lightning-fast mobile and desktop load times make this law firm's website award-worthy!

More Info +
Keller & Keller
Keller & Keller
+ 104 %Higher Conversion Rate
+ 138 %More Leads

From 3 to 1: Merge Equals Magic

Named to Best Lawyers in America, Keller & Keller is one of the nation’s leading personal injury and wrongful death law firms.

More Info +
Molly B. Kenny
Molly B. Kenny
+ 140 %Organic Traffic
+ 137 %More Leads

Still Going Strong After a Decade

The Law Offices of Molly B. Kenny has been a long-time partner of Foster Web Marketing and has benefited from many of our marketing services over the years.

More Info +
Griffith Law<
Griffith Law
+ 133 %Organic Traffic
+ 42 %More Leads

Consistently Exceeding Traffic, Conversion Goals

John Griffith, founder of GriffithLaw, first met with Tom and Chad at a Great Legal Marketing Summit. “We clicked right away,” John says.

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DeLoach, Hofstra & Cavonis
DeLoach, Hofstra & Cavonis
+ 19 %Organic Traffic
+ 34 %More Leads
+ 105 Reviews

Search for Integrity, Honesty Leads to FWM

DeLoach, Hofstra & Cavonis are consistently getting great reviews on a wide variety of sites.

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Cardoza Law
Cardoza Law
+ 318 %Organic Traffic
+ 89 %More Leads

Always Thinking Outside the Box

Our client had roaring success implementing guidance from our Strategic Consulting program, increasing his site's organic traffic by over 300 percent in one year, and increased leads by 89 percent.

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Cuddigan Law
Cuddigan Law
+ 150 %Increase in Conversions

From Toxic to Triumph

Since Cuddigan Law launched their website redesign in June 2016, the site has seen a 150% increase in conversions.

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Bob Battle Law
Bob Battle Law
+ 133 %Organic Traffic
+ 42 %More Leads

Killer Mobile Website

Bob’s practice is very focused. Because of these specific needs, we had to build him a site that would attract and convert this highly targeted demographic.

More Info +
Peter Wishnie
Family Foot and Ankle
+ 76 %Higher Conversion Rate
+ 1609 %More Leads

From Clunky to Sleek

Since the redesign of Family Foot and Ankle's site, the team has seen a 37% increase in organic traffic, and the bounce rate has gone down by 60%.

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