Your online reputation is critical to your business. To many people, this means they simply have to generate positive reviews. While that is a HUGE part of your reputation management, you need to evaluate your internal processes and understand your customer’s point of view to create the best possible customer experience. This will create great word-of-mouth referrals, and make it that much easier to get those positive reviews! We created the Feedback Module in DSS to simplify the process, and make it easy to get great reviews.
What Is it?
The idea behind this feature is twofold. First, the feature is designed to elicit feedback: good, bad, or ugly. Second, the feature is designed to do a “prescreening” for your contact, funneling the contact to external sites like Google, Facebook, or Yelp only if the contact provided positive feedback on the survey.
"I am totally loving the Feedback module! It saves me a lot of time and allows me to get a request for feedback out while the client is still high on the outcome. This one was written yesterday on the day I asked for feedback and the day after the court appearance!" -Steve Richardson, Richardson Law Offices |
How Does it Work?
After completing the initial setup in DSS (outlined below), you simply tag one of your CRM contacts with the “Feedback” tag. Once assigned, your feedback sequence begins and the contact is sent the initial email containing a link to the site’s survey page. After the contact fills out the survey, the score is compiled by adding the numeric values provided in questions #1 and #2 (each are a five-point scale, for a total out of 10). A score of seven or greater will send the contacts to your “favorable” thank-you page, where review images and links are provided, encouraging the contact to review you on external sites. A score of six or less will send the contact to your “unfavorable” thank-you page, where no review links are provided. In addition to the thank-you page, the contact will also receive a follow-up email based on the feedback score.
How Do I Set it Up?
- Begin by filling out your feedback information in DSS by selecting Feedback > Feedback Request > Edit Feedback Sequence:
On the edit page, you will see four sections. By default, only the first section for “Email” is open. To open any of the other sections, you can click on the blue heading to see the entire section. (Each of the four sections is outlined below)
This section contains all of the fields available for the initial email that will be sent out to a contact tagged with “Feedback.” In this section you will see:
- Sender Email – The email address that will display in the “From” field of the contact’s email client. The email address should always match your domain to avoid confusion; this practice also helps prevent the email from being treated as spam.
- Sender Name – The name that will display in the “From” field of the contact’s email client where available. Use your name or your office name.
- Email Subject – The subject line of the email. Be compelling!
- Email Content – The body of the email. Use this area to explain why the contact is receiving this email and what the contact will need to do. Be sure to include the link to the survey:, since this page is not accessible except through this email.
Survey Page
This section is where you can edit the site page that the contact is linked to in the initial feedback email. Here, you can edit the following:
- Title – The text that appears in the browser's title bar for your feedback survey page.
- Headline – The primary headline for the survey page.
- Content – The survey page content that will appear above the survey form. Use this field to explain a little about the survey and how to submit the form.
Favorable Thank You
This section covers both the email response the contact will receive after filling out the survey and the thank-you page content displayed after the contact has completed the survey. If the contact's total score for feedback was seven or greater, you will see the following:
- Sender Email, Sender Name, and Email Subject – These should follow the same guidelines as the initial email outlined above.
- Email Content – This is the body of your email. For favorable feedback, we suggest a second reach out for reviews. By default, the links filled in for review sites in DSS will be added to the email. Be sure to keep this in mind when writing your email.
- Title – This is the text that appears in the browser's title bar for favorable thank-you pages.
- Headline – This will display on your favorable thank-you page as a primary (H1) headline.
- Content – This is your opportunity to thank the contact and ask for help reviewing you on other sites. This text will appear above the linked images for all the URLs filled out under “Feedback Site URLs.”
- Feedback Site URLs – The links provided here should be to the review pages for the sites listed. A few helpful notes:
- The links filled out in this section will automatically display on the thank-you page with images, and they will also display at the bottom of your email content. Keep that in mind when writing the favorable content.
- To help prevent Yelp reviews from being filtered you want to avoid sending people directly to your Yelp page. Instead, go to Google and complete a site search for your firm on Yelp (e.g., "Foster Web Marketing Right-click and save the correct Google search result. This way Yelp sees the visitor coming from Google rather than being sent directly to your Yelp profile.
- If you don't want to list a link to a particular review site, don’t fill it out; only links that have been filled out will display on the thank-you page and in the email.
Unfavorable Thank You
This section covers both the email response the contact will receive after filling out the survey and the thank you page content displayed after the contact has completed the survey. If the contact’s feedback score was six or less, the following options will appear:
- Sender Email, Sender Name, and Email
Subject – These should follow the same guidelines as the initial email outlined above.
- Email Content – This is the body of your email. For unfavorable feedback, we suggest expressing to the client that you may reach out again for more information about the experience.
- Title – This is the text that appears in the browser's title bar for unfavorable thank-you pages.
- Headline – This will display on your unfavorable thank-you page as a primary (H1) headline.
- Content – This is where you can thank the contact for filling out the feedback survey.
- Once the Edit page is complete and all sections have been completed, your feedback feature is ready to use by adding the tag “Feedback” to any contact. To do this, navigate to your CRM client list (CRM > Contacts > Search & Edit) and select the contact you wish to edit.
- On the individual contact page, scroll down to the “Tags” option and either type “Feedback” or select it from the dropdown menu.
- Apply the tag by clicking the orange checkmark button. This action has initiated the sequence and your initial email will have been sent to your contact!
Where Can I View the Feedback Results?
Under Feedback > Reputation Reporting > Feedback Responses. Here you will see all information obtained from the contacts that filled out your client feedback survey.
On this reporting page, you will see:
- The date the feedback survey was completed
- The name of the contact
- Your feedback scores (question 1, then 2)
- Comments left on the form
- If that added to a favorable or unfavorable score
- Additional actions
The buttons found here are determined by the contact’s selections on the feedback survey. On the survey, the contact can elect to allow use of his comments and his name.
- If the contact did not allow the use of his feedback or his name, no button appears in the column.
- If the contact allowed the use of his feedback but not his name, you will see a publish button that will automatically import the anonymous feedback into a testimonial for use on the site.
- If the client allowed the use of both his feedback and his name, you will see a publish button that will automatically import the feedback and the contact’s name into a testimonial for use on the site.
- NOTE: You still must provide all of the additional required fields—such as title and headline—in order to publish any feedback as a testimonial.
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