News Items
The News Items section in DSS gives you the chance to share any newsworthy articles or information about your practice.
To access it in DSS, click on Content, then on News Items.
If you click on Add New, you’ll notice it’s a little different than other pages in DSS. You still have your Title, Headline, and Meta Description to fill out. But, then you come to the Link section. If you just want this item to link to a story from an outside source, you can copy that link here.
Next, you have to select a Service Area/Category for your item. Remember, you can select multiple categories if you want to.
You can select a Publish Date next. And, if you want to add an Image, you can do that in the next section.
If you were to save your page now, this item would appear as a brief item on your site. When you click on that item on your Overview Page, it will take you to the link you added in the Link Section.
If you were to continue scrolling down instead of saving your page, you’ll notice you can click on Build a Complete News Item Page on your Website. This will give you the Rich Content Editor and other normal features you see in Content sections in DSS. You can add your own content and it would keep the visitor on your website and not take them to an outside source for the information.
Under Publish Status, use the toggle switch to move it to Draft if you aren’t ready to publish the page on your site. If you’re ready to publish it, make sure the toggle switch is on Live.
So, in a nutshell, there are two ways to put News Items on your website. You can use the first method to make it a brief item on your website, or you can use the second method to make it a full page on your website.