Creating, Editing, and Managing Results Pages in DSS
When it comes to your marketing strategy and attracting your ideal clients or patients, there are few things more powerful than storytelling. A case result highlights your expertise by showing the types of real-life problems your clients or patients face and how you solved those problems. When done right, case results can inspire confidence in your readers and give them a better idea of the kinds of results you could get for them. A great case result should tell the customer’s story; what they were experiencing physically, mentally, and emotionally, what brought them to you, and what changed in their life by the work you’ve done.
Creating Results Pages in DSS​
Let’s talk about how to create results in DSS, and then we’ll dive into best practices for case results content.
Under Content, navigate to Results and Add New. Creating a results page is a little different than what you’re used to seeing in DSS.
You will see standard fields for Title and Headline, but you will also notice Award Summary, Award Values to Sort By, and Link to Page, as well as the option to assign this to a Service Area or Category.
The Award Summary field is a free form text field that will display on your website, and is meant for you to add the award amount of a case, like “$3,600,000,” or even “Confidential.” Because many attorneys face restrictions when it comes to sharing case information, we wanted to give you a chance to create simple, to-the-point case result summaries.
The Award Value To Sort By should be entered as an integral number (ex: 3000000—no commas) if you want your case results to be sorted from highest amount to lowest. To have this case result listed last, simply leave the field blank.
There is an option to link to another page on the site, like a testimonial or additional information on the case type, and assign this result to a Service Area or Category.
If however, your state allows it, we strongly encourage you to create in-depth content about your case story, so we’ve included the ability to build a complete case result page here on your site.
This will bring up the fields you see on other pages, like Meta Description, Author, Rich Content Editor, etc.
Best Practices for Case Result Content
Your transparency will also increase the trust your potential client has in you—and trust is one of the most important factors in conversion rate optimization. Writing great case results attracts more qualified leads by drawing in prospects who identify with the story you tell.
Make sure that you choose the right cases to highlight. One of the best ways to do this is to think about the kinds of cases you already handle and the kinds of cases you’re trying to attract. Use that as a guide to choose a few cases where you obtained an excellent outcome for the client, and then tell those stories. Make sure you explain:
What happened
What injuries or issues were involved
How the client and his or her family were affected
What prompted the client to reach out for help
Why the client chose you
How you were able to help
The outcome of the case
When possible, add specific details that help tell the story—and make sure that you confirm the use of any personal information. You can always list the award amount as “confidential” if needed, and it’s fine to avoid the use of client names or other identifying information.
If your clients are comfortable doing so, this can also be a great time to gather client testimonials, which you might even consider linking to the applicable case result.
When writing case results, make sure that the title describes what the reader will see on the page. Some examples of effective case result titles include:
“Lawyer Helps Right an Appendectomy Surgery Gone Wrong”
“Pedestrian Hit by Drunk Driver Compensated for Injuries”
“Man Walks Without Pain After Hammertoe Surgery”
“Hearing Aid Allows Woman to Enjoy Time With Family”
“Woman Receives $1.2 Million for Head-On Collision”
Want to create case stories that make an emotional connection with your readers and show you at your best?
Check out this blog post to learn more about how to write effective case stories.
Results Categories
If you select the Categories option from the left sidebar of DSS, you should see your practice or service areas listed here. You have the ability to add new categories should you need to, or click “sort” to drag and drop the order in which they appear.
Disclaimers and Terms
The disclaimers and terms pages appear in two places within DSS; the Results section and the Testimonials section. You can choose to display one, both, or none, but the disclaimers and terms must be set up for each section—adding a disclaimer to your results section will not apply the same disclaimer to your testimonials section.
Both the disclaimer and the terms will appear on the initial "agreement" page before a user can view results, but there is a key difference between the two.
The "terms" will only need to be agreed to once, and then all results can be viewed without having to agree again. Disclaimers, on the other hand, will appear on the individual results pages, either above or below the body content. If you do not wish to display the disclaimer, simply select “Do Not Display.”
You have the ability to add more than one term to your site. Each term must be agreed to before the user can access the results pages on your site.