Although the SPAM Score | Marketing Services For Lawyers and PodiatristsInbox Placement will tell you 90% of what you need to know about delivery to major email providers, the Spam Score addresses companies that have their own email systems. We use the reporting of Spam Assassin and the hundreds of modules developed by its community to provide you with a Heuristic and Bayesian view of your test email. This looks at so many factors that we can’t even begin to address them all here.

If you score below 100, we will show you the details of things you can do to increase your score. This is why we call it a “test email.”  There are nearly 600 conditions in your test email that we will check for best practices.

A score of 51-100 shows “Good” in Green and means that no spam filters should block your email.

A score of 31-50 will show “Average” in Yellow which means that there are some elements that need to be addressed that should appear in the details area. This Average score means that you probably have a 50/50 shot of making it into the inbox of the average contact.

A score of 0-30 means your email will likely be flagged as spam in red, and we recommend not sending these emails before resolving issues. Doing so may result in a negative impact to your email reputation. Please submit a ticket with details by sending an email to [email protected] if you have a test message that falls into this category.

Are You A Lawyer Or Podiatrist Who Needs To Get More Clients?

If you've been trying to get more leads, more clients or patients, and you're not sure how to get there, Foster Web Marketing is here to help. Contact us online or call our office directly at 866.497.6199 to schedule your free consultation. We have been helping clients throughout the United States and internationally since 1998 and are confident we can help you not only reach, but exceed your goals.

Tom Foster
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Founder|Owner, Speaker, Creator of DSS, World of Marketing Podcast Host, EOS Implementor