
The Testimonials section of your website gives you the opportunity to share what former clients have to say about working with you. It’s a good way to let potential clients know who you are and what you’re about. 

The Testimonials section is a little different than other content sections in DSS. Click on Content, then click on Testimonials. If you click on Add New in the sidebar to the left, you will notice a few different content fields. You still need a Title and Headline. Then, you’ll see Summary and Testimonial Provider fields. 


The Summary field would be where you type in the quote from your former client. It’s a good idea to add quotation marks at the beginning and end of the text to show someone else is saying those words. 

The Testimonial Provider field is where you want to type the name of the person giving you the testimonial. If you want, you could also include where they are from. If they don’t want their name used, you could just use their location. For example, Fairfax client or Fairfax personal injury client.

You also have the option to include a link, if you maybe have information about this client’s case elsewhere on your site.

Just like in other sections, you can also assign Categories or Service Areas to this page. This is a good idea because when someone searches for that category, all of the information you have marked with that category will appear in the search.

You also have the option of including an image of your former client.

Testimonial example

Or, if you want to build a complete Testimonial page, with more detailed information, you can click on that option at the very bottom of your screen.

In the left sidebar, you’ll also notice Edit Disclaimers and Edit Terms options. These are available if you want website visitors to agree to disclaimers and terms before reading the Testimonials on your site. This is similar to the Results section. 

One key difference between Disclaimers and Terms is that the Disclaimers will appear on every Testimonial page in that section. You can choose Do Not Display, if you don’t want it on every page. The terms will only appear the first time someone visits your Testimonials section. A person must agree to the Disclaimers and Terms before viewing any of the Testimonial pages.

Testimonial example