Divorce is a highly personal and emotional subject. Because of this, it's important that your book is sensitive to the needs and feelings of the reader. It should help ease their fears and speak to their situation. There are a few ways to achieve this delicate balance.
- One way is to offer gender specific advice. The most common concerns of a woman facing divorce are much different than those of a man facing divorce. Appeal to each by creating male and female specific books, and use these books to really focus on the needs and concerns of each.
- Another way is to focus on your perfect client’s concerns. For most people, divorce is a terrifying prospect. People wonder: “Will I have enough money to survive after the divorce?” “Will I get the custody arrangement I want?” “How can I protect my rights and not regret my decisions in the future?” To assuage the readers’ fears, tell the stories of those you have helped through different divorce situations. By showing the readers that others like them made it through a situation very similar to theirs, you will help ease their fears and instill confidence in your legal abilities. They’ll also feel more comfortable contacting you when they understand better exactly how you helped people just like them.
I hope that these divorce book writing tips help you begin the important work of writing a free offer for your website. If you need help during the process, please give us a call. https://www.fosterwebmarketing.com/practice_areas/law-firm-book-publishers.cfm