Craig WeatherlyCraig Weatherly started his journey in 2001 at New Horizons Computer Center, a local technical institute with a direct focus on web design and SEO. He brings his SEO and digital marketing experience which was spent in competitive markets such as automotive and tourism. Craig has a passion for helping business owners achieve their goals with ever-changing digital platforms. 

Here’s what you can learn: 

  • How an SEO expert chooses keywords
  • How to use your organic content in your PPC campaigns
  • The importance of targeting by geography and demographics
  • Best practices for writing compelling PPC content

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In this episode…

PPC has always been a topic of hot debate at FWM - but the consensus is, at the end of the day, it has its purpose. The trick is, utilizing it honestly and effectively.

Flushed by marketing companies who will carelessly max out budgets to gauge legitimate businesses of their profits, many industries have grown tired of utilizing this kind of marketing, or accept the status quo. However experts like Craig Weatherly have learned it doesn’t have to be this way. Part of affordable PPC is decades of experience, understanding it through and through, and an unwillingness to settle for high budgets with mediocre results.

Speakers in this episode

This episode is brought to you by Foster Web Marketing.

Foster Web Marketing is dedicated to providing cutting-edge, highly customizable marketing and strategic solutions specifically designed for law firms and medical practices. 

Our award-winning marketing and systems solutions are what sets us apart from everyone else.