While you are an expert in your field and can undoubtedly write a good article, it always helps to learn new tips or be reminded of ones you should be implementing.  In order to constantly be improving your website and increase your organic click through traffic, it is important to focus on page titles.

Although it might not seem like there is a lot to learn about page titles, there is. For example, do you know how long a title should be? Page titles should be limited to approximately 63 characters and your best keywords. Unfortunately, many law firms make huge mistakes with their titles and insert the name of their firm on every page title of their site. Instead of the law firm name, a page title should include keywords that search engines use to index and rank your page. Keyword placement in the page title is important to search engines—the closer you put the title toward the beginning, the higher the search ranking. Although focusing on keywords in a title is great, the page title also needs to be readable and appealing to cause someone to want to click your link and read more. Keep in mind that although you write titles for search engines, you are writing page titles for humans too. https://www.fosterwebmarketing.com/practice_areas/law-firm-content-writers.cfm