In today’s world, teenagers aren’t the only ones using social media. In fact, recent studies show that most adults are involved in social media, and social media use has tripled among Internet users 65 and older. While some people prefer Facebook, others are more likely to use Twitter or LinkedIn. Regardless of which social media site a person uses, social networking continues to grow. What does this mean for you—an attorney? Unfortunately, if you don’t have a presence on these sites, you won’t be able to gain the upper hand over your competitors. Instead of being left behind, get involved.
By being a part of social networking, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field, build your brand, and increase your online exposure. In fact, the more social networking sites you are a part of, the better chance a prospective client will find you and be impressed. Social networking allows you to market yourself. Not only does it allow you to connect with online users, but it helps with search engine optimization. Each social media site allows you to link back to your law firm’s site, which increases your search engine ranking. We encourage you to get involved in social networking, and you will see firsthand the benefits of this powerful Internet marketing tool.