You have your social media accounts set up, and now you want to upload all of your contacts.  Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter all offer similar support for uploading your legal web marketing contacts from various email accounts, such as Gmail, Hotmail, etc.  With this in mind, understand that each social media site offers slightly different ways for you to import your contacts to their site.

For example, let's say that you want to upload your contacts stored in Yahoo mail to Twitter:
  • Log in to your Twitter account and click the “who to follow” tab at the top.
  • Next, click on “find friends” and you'll see a list of services from which Twitter allows you to import contacts.  Currently, Twitter allows: Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, and LinkedIn.
  • For this example, click on Yahoo, and it will take you to a page for you to log in to Yahoo.
  • Once you log in to Yahoo, a new window should pop up asking you to agree to authorize access to Yahoo contacts.
  • Clicking “agree” will start the process of uploading your Yahoo contacts to Twitter.
  • Going back to Twitter, you should now see a list of contacts which were imported from Yahoo.  It will also let you know if they are on Twitter and offer an option to send invitations to those who aren't.
  • Now you're all set with Twitter!

You can basically follow the instructions above to upload contacts from other email clients you may be using.  If you have a lot of contacts, it may be a good idea to edit them before you upload them to your social media account, as it can be overwhelming if you're dealing with hundreds of contacts.  Facebook and LinkedIn work in a similar fashion to Twitter, so go to your account settings and look for a function to import your contacts – they may also be referred to as “friends” instead.

Is Your Law Firm Or Medical Practice Getting Leads From Your Social Media Marketing Efforts?

Not convinced your current social media marketing is converting leads into clients? No worries! Foster Web Marketing can help. Please contact us online or call our office directly at 888.886.0939 to schedule your free consultation with our experienced marketing team. We have been helping clients throughout the United States and internationally since 1998 and are confident we can help you not only reach, but exceed your goals.

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