When it comes to a blog post, how long is too long? What article length is best for SEO? How many words, exactly, should each page of my attorney website be in order to have the best attorney website in the world?
There Is No Magic Number
Here at Foster Web Marketing, we got a lot of questions about optimum page length and ideal word count. The short answer to all of these questions is that there is no short answer.
Here’s the long answer:
Article length should depend on how much you have to say.
Never add fluff to your articles just to lengthen them, and never leave out vital information that your reader needs to know just so you can keep your article brief.
Always write for the reader.
Think about your blog post as you are writing it. Would you read this article? Does it offer a unique perspective or important information? Does it have personality? If you can answer “yes” to all of these things, it’s probably the right length.
Beware the very short blog post.
Any blog posts under 200 words or so simply don’t have the ability to convey much information. The Google Search spiders will be suspicious if your website is filled with very short articles, and your readers will become frustrated that your articles simply don’t contain much meat.
Beware the very long blog post.
Yes, lawyers have a lot to say. But blog posts that head over the 1,000-word mark will probably make readers lose interest. Remember the last time you visited a website that made you scroll through long blocks of texts? Something tells us you didn’t brew a pot of coffee and read through the whole thing.
Vary your article length.
Different legal subjects have differing complexity, differing angles, and differing explanations. It only makes sense that your articles would vary in length depending on what you are talking about. If you make your articles interesting, to the point, and genuinely informative, you are making your articles the right length!
Are You A Lawyer Or podiatrist Who Wants To Learn How Solid Content Can Earn You More Clients?
If you are seeking a trusted, authoriative partner to help you write content that not only attracts but actually converts into clients, Foster Web Marketing is here to help. Contact us online or call our office directly at 866.497.6199 to schedule your free consultation. We have been helping clients throughout the United States and internationally since 1998 are confident we can help you not only reach, but exceed your goals.