Mark Blane, San Diego personal injury attorney at the Law Offices of Mark Blane, loves his practice. He enjoys being hands on with all facets of the firm, from representing clients to marketing his office.
When Mark Blane heard about Foster Web Marketing, he was immediately taken aback by how helpful the team was. He learned a hands on approach to optimizing his website for search engines and for his visitors. He also discovered the power of using video to promote his law firm. Now, Mark runs a thriving law practice much in part due to his optimized website and online presence.
“What attracted me to Foster Web Marketing was the fact that it was the first place that I got a good explanation on how to optimize your website for not only the search engines, but also how important video is, and how important it is for you as the end user to actually update your own website. I thought that was really unique. I’m more of a hands on kind of guy anyway, so when I found that out, it really led me to getting more information about Foster Web Marketing and I’m proud to be here now!”
If you’d like to learn how to empower yourself and your team to optimize your business, contact us today! We’ll teach you how to create an online presence that draws in your target audience by using the latest Internet marketing tools and strategies for lawyers.
Mark Blane