If you think the Maryland injury lawyers at Clark & Steinhorn are paying Foster Web Marketing, forget about it! Even though they think Tom Foster is “the man” neither attorney pays the bill to keep their marketing lights on.
It doesn’t matter if their website gets fantastic results. They don’t care if the online marketing they get from Foster Web Marketing has skyrocketed their growth. When it comes to paying the bill, this Long Island and Jersey duo says “forget about it!”
“Bob: Hi, I’m Bob.
Allen: Hi I’m Allen.
Bob: Yeah. We’re friends.
Allen: I’m from Long Island.
Bob: He’s from Long Island. I’m not from Long Island. I’m from Jersey! And we love Tom Foster at Foster Web Marketing.
Allen: We love Tom Foster!
Bob: He’s the best! He’s the best!
Allen: Forget about it. Come on!
Bob: I was walking down the street, I was in Ashbury Park actually. Was it Seaside Park or Ashbury Park? You know, John Peterson’s the man. Anyway, one of them was there and he said to me, “Do you know Tom Foster?” and of course I know Tom Foster!
Allen: Yeah, he’s the man!
Bob: He’s the man! And I go, “Omigod the guy’s in this place? Forget about it!
Allen: Forget about it!
Bob: Yeah, forget about it! And my law firm forgets about it too. We’re not paying him no more. I’m not paying him. Are you paying him?
Allen: No, I’m not paying him.
Bob: Right.”
Jokes aside, if your law firm wants to have as much fun with marketing as Robert Clark and Allen Steinhorn and see big time results, call us today!
Robert Clark and Allen Steinhorn