Good web marketing will bring in leads; excellent web marketing will bring in the high quality cases and clients that you are looking for. The best way to generate high quality leads is with the help of an entire web marketing team, devoted to your success.
After working with other SEO companies, Galvin realized there was no transparency. He wanted to know where his money was going, and how it was supposed to be bringing him leads. "I’ve worked with other SEO companies, national ones, that produce some very beautiful, flashy websites but at the end of the day they didn’t produce the leads, and I didn’t get the feeling that they could communicate with me and tell me what they were doing behind the scenes, the way, when you’re at Foster Web, you have that experience. They tell you what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, and how your money is being spent."
With the support of his web marketing team, Galvin has been able to manage two successful websites that bring him clients from all over the country. He knows how to maintain open communication with his clients who are located far away, much like he has been able to do with Foster Web Marketing. We meet with Galvin once a month to discuss the performance of his website, and through DSS, Galvin is able to add content to his site whenever he wants.
We are thrilled to have a client who has not only watched Foster Web Marketing grow over the years, but has grown with us. To start bringing in the quality clients and cases you are looking for, get a free site analysis today!
Galvin Kennedy