Facebook for AttorneysAs you've probably heard by now, you can claim a username on Facebook. The username that you choose will be embedded in the URL of your Facebook profile, which has obvious SEO implications.

When someone does a search for "Jack Smith", your Facebook page with a claimed username of "Jack Smith" will have a better chance ranking for that search because the URL of that Facebook profile will be


But did you know that you can also claim usernames for your business pages as well? This adds an unbelievable SEO benefit because you can claim a username that includes your firm name and/or any keywords that you'd like to rank for.

An example:

Houston Personal Injury Lawyer

A car accident law firm in Milwaukee, Hupy and Abraham, has a Facebook page for their practice.

The URL of Hupy's business Facebook page would probably be something like


But Hupy and Abraham decided to claim their Facebook username, which is now a lot more SEO-friendly:


How does this help with the search-ability?

Brian's Facebook page is now more able to:

  1. Be found on Google, Bing, and other search engines for "Milwaukee personal injury lawyer", "Milwaukee personal injury", "Milwaukee lawyer", etc., and
  2. Be found on Facebook for these related searches as well. Yes, people are using Facebook as a search engine, and this is becoming the case more and more after Facebook launched their real-time search feature.

How do you claim the username (and SEO-friendly URL) for your Facebook business page?

  1. Go to http://www.facebook.com/username/
  2. Click on "Set a username for your Pages"
  3. Select the business page that you'd like to set the username for
  4. Make sure your page is eligible

Your page WILL NOT be able to claim a username unless it has at least 100 fans, so be sure to invite as many friends, family members, past and present clients, business associates, and whoever else you can think of to obtain as many fans as you can.

Of course, most attorneys use Microsoft Outlook as their e-mail program and this may be holding you up from importing your e-mail contacts to Facebook to see who you can friend and expand your network (and Facebook Page Fans).

For more information on how to import your contacts from Outlook and other e-mail programs so that you can get more Facebook friends (and fans of your business page), visit this Facebook help page.

Is Your Law Firm Or Medical Practice Getting Leads From Your Social Media Marketing Efforts?

Not convinced your current social media marketing is converting leads into clients? No worries! Foster Web Marketing can help. Please contact us online or call our office directly at 888.886.0939 to schedule your free consultation with our experienced marketing team. We have been helping clients throughout the United States and internationally since 1998 and are confident we can help you not only reach, but exceed your goals.

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