Avvo is an easy way for people to see information about you including client ratings, endorsements from other attorneys, your professional experience, case results, areas of practice and more. If you have not yet claimed your Avvo profile, it is time for you to do it. You're missing a great online marketing opportunity if you don't.

Here's how to claim your Avvo profile in a few easy steps:

  1. Visit Avvo.com
  2. Click "Find Lawyers"
  3. Do a search on your own name
  4. Once you find your profile, click "Is this you? Claim and update your profile for free."
  5. Next, Avvo will call you to verify that you are who you say you are. They'll give you a pin number that you'll need to enter on the website.
  6. Once you successfully enter the pin number, your account will be verified.
  7. Now click "Create an Account"
  8. Enter a login and password to use for your new Avvo account

Now it is time to edit your Avvo profile

You want to add as much info as you can to fill out your profile and make it look great to potential clients:

  1. Click on "edit my profile" to make changes to what Avvo already has about you.
  2. You can add your practice areas and indicate how much time you spend in each area.
  3. Add photos of yourself, add profile info like where you went to school, organizations you belong to - anything to make your profile sound compelling.

Solicit endorsements and reviews! You'll see that Avvo includes a rating system, generated from reviews given to you by colleagues and past clients. Ask other attorneys and your satisfied clients to review you on Avvo - the more great reviews you have, the better it is for your profile.

Once you've claimed your profile make sure you spend time filling it out and getting people you know to review you. The time you invest now will pay off in the future with a higher rating and better search results.

Are You A Lawyer Or podiatrist Who Needs To Get More Clients?

If you've been trying to get more leads, more clients or patients, and you're not sure how to get there, Foster Web Marketing is here to help. Contact us online or call our office directly at 888.886.0939 to schedule your free consultation. We have been helping clients throughout the United States and internationally since 1998 and are confident we can help you not only reach, but exceed your goals.

Tom Foster
Connect with me
Founder|Owner, Speaker, Creator of DSS, World of Marketing Podcast Host, EOS Implementor
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