What’s your story? Let your biography open a dialogue with potential clients | Content Writing Services For Lawyers And podiatristsWe’re not afraid to say it: the bios on most attorney websites are boring. They often feel like an afterthought, or even as if the writer didn’t care that someone might eventually be reading them and asking questions.

Take a look at your website now. How do you think your website bio measures up?

The problem is that potential clients do click on your website biography, and they do care what they see there. In fact, “about us” and bio pages are among the first pages visitors head to when they visit a new website.

Ultimately, if your attorney bio page is nothing but a yearbook-style photo and a list of your degrees and achievements, you are missing out on a major opportunity to connect with the clients you want to bring in your door.

Create Biographical Content That People Understand and Care About

How do you write an attorney bio that reaches out to potential clients? How do you strengthen your existing attorney bio and turn it into a powerful relationship-building and conversion tool? How do you explain your expertise and qualifications without using industry jargon or confusing terms? The good news is that we have answers for you. Here are some of the most important tips from our team of content creators and marketing experts for writing powerful attorney bios:

DO explain your professional achievements.

You do want to let people know that you are qualified to do the job, but don’t be tempted to just make a list of the schools you attended and the recognition you’ve received. Instead, write as though you are speaking directly to a client. For example, you might say, “I attended the South Texas College of Law before earning my law degree and founding Smith Law Firm. I am board-certified in personal injury law in the state of Texas, and I’ve been helping Texas families with serious accident cases for 32 years.” Keep in mind that, if it’s important for referral or transparency purposes, you can always include a more traditional resume at the bottom of the page.

DO show your personality.

Most potential clients don’t care about where you went to school or what awards you’ve earned, as long as you are qualified to take their case. Instead, they want to know who you are, what you’re like to work with, and what makes you tick. Use your website bio to give your readers a taste of what’s really important to you, both professionally and in your personal life. Talk about what motivated you to get into the legal profession, who you help, your family, and what you do outside of work. Offer a brief explanation of causes that you’re passionate about, and let people know that you’re a real, live person—not just a name on the Internet.

DO tell a story.

Your website bio helps paint a picture of your brand and creates a connection with potential clients. It’s up to you to focus on delivering something that people want to read. Use storytelling techniques to bring your story to life, and offer interesting details that help anchor important ideas. For example, we have one client who tells the story of how riding along with his trucker father led to a career of defending drivers’ wage-and-hour rights. Another client offers stories and photographs from a motorcycle hobby to tie into why motorcycle accident cases are important to the firm. You can even go off topic to tell stories about significant moments in your life or career. When you’re writing your website bio, try to think of at least one or two things that people might be surprised or interested to learn about you.

DO include pictures.

A picture (or a video) is worth a thousand words. People want to see your face and picture what it would be like to work with you. A simple headshot is great start, but you might consider adding photographs of yourself in action at the office, in the courtroom, or in front of local landmarks. If you feel comfortable doing so, you might even share pictures of yourself with your family or engaging in a hobby you love. Think about how you can use photographs to better tell your story and show who you are. Photographs can also be a great way to break up longer bios and guide the eye down the page.

DO include your contact information.

It sounds so simple, but it’s often overlooked. While people are visiting your attorney bio page to learn more about you, they should also be able to quickly find your contact information. This is a great place to add your email address, phone number, and a contact form. Attorney bios are often big converters for potential clients who are on the fence, and you want to make sure that the transition from stranger to contact is as easy and natural as possible.

You Don’t Have to Overdo It to Do It Right

There is definitely room to tell longer stories and expand on details in your attorney bio. But, if don’t want to get into the whole story of your life, don’t worry. A website bio doesn’t necessarily have to be long to give potential clients a better idea of who you are.

For example, take a look at the following video from one of our clients, Chris Russo:

Although the video only clocks in under 3 minutes, potential clients leave with a surprising number of details that help humanize the attorney and answer some of their questions about who they might be working with. For example, in this short video we learned:

  • That Chris is a huge part of his community.
  • What he looks like.
  • How he talks and his overall tone.
  • That he has a family of his own, including two daughters.
  • That he has an interest in serving the local area because he’s lived there all his life.

These kinds of little details may not seem all that important, but they really do help people connect with you, put a face and story to a name, and feel more comfortable reaching out about their concerns.

Get Help Writing Attorney Bios That Rock

The very best attorney bios come straight from the source, but we can help if you’re not confident in your skills as a writer.

Are You A Lawyer Or podiatrist Who Wants To Learn How Solid Content Can Earn You More Clients?

If you are seeking a trusted, authoriative partner to help you write content that not only attracts but actually converts into clients, Foster Web Marketing is here to help. Contact us online or call our office directly at 888.886.0939 to schedule your free consultation. We have been helping clients throughout the United States and internationally since 1998 are confident we can help you not only reach, but exceed your goals.  

Tom Foster
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Founder|Owner, Speaker, Creator of DSS, World of Marketing Podcast Host, EOS Implementor
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