We Are Pioneers in the Field of Digital Marketing

We’ve been in the marketing business since before Google, before WordPress, before Facebook, before smartphones, and before pay-per-click advertising. We were among the very first doing websites specifically for lawyers, and we were the first to offer all-in-one marketing software for law firms. We were among the first working with doctors, too.

From my perspective as a software and technology guy, the internet had so much potential to even the playing field and give smaller practices a chance against the big dogs. Without a website, how are you supposed to scale? How do you grow? How do you reach your perfect clients and patients?

The choice at the time was to either be big and profitable enough to afford ads on TV and in the Yellow Pages or to hunker down and hope that referrals and word-of-mouth were enough.

The software companies already knew it. The big retail corporations were starting to recognize it. But the attorneys and doctors I spoke with had no idea that a simple online presence and a few wisely chosen digital tools could absolutely rocket them past their local competitors.

“When I first started building websites—and later DSS—I wasn’t thinking, ‘I want to start a website and marketing company.’ I just saw a need and wanted to help these folks out, and it grew from there.”—Tom Foster

Since that time, my team and I have continued to grow and innovate so that we can support our clients in building their dream practices. We constantly vet new technologies and pioneer the adoption of cutting-edge tools and strategies as they emerge.

Over the years, our clients have been in on the ground floor with what have become the gold standards for online marketing: high-quality website video, integrated blogging, conversion-focused designs, ethical SEO optimization, all-in-one content and campaign management, device-responsive technology, automation technology, AI assistance, and more.

And when a new strategy or technology fails to pass our vetting process, we let our clients know about that, too. It’s kept our clients from jumping on the bandwagon with “black hat” tactics, insane PPC spends, and other risky trends that waste time and money without results.

So many of these one-trick-pony marketing companies shut down for good after a couple of years of peddling what’s flashiest or trendiest. Meanwhile, our pioneering commitment to safe, sustainable, specific, and innovative marketing has kept us and our clients going strong for over two decades.

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“Outstanding Company! Tom and his team have managed our website since 2007. Simply the best. They help our doctors with their digital marketing every day. True pros.”—Rem Jackson, Top Practices


We’re Laser-Focused on Attorneys and Doctors

Law firms and medical practices aren’t like other businesses. They don’t have a physical product. They don’t have inventory. They’re bound to highly specific rules and regulations. Many are referral based, and they rely on their positive reputations to keep their appointment books full.

A generic marketing company can try to wow you with stories about how their campaigns sold 100 pairs of shoes in one day. They can show you a website that’s a high-tech shopfront for a range of physical products. It’s meaningless! None of that is relevant to your law firm or medical practice.

At Foster Web Marketing, we only care about the tools and technology that actually help attorneys, doctors, and similar entrepreneurs manage, grow, and scale their practices. We’re entirely focused on those narrow industries, and that means that you’re only getting what is most useful and relevant for your business.

We have retired attorneys on staff that guide our content team on best practices. We have recognized experts in the podiatry industry that understand the real challenges practices face. Our research and development time goes into safety, security, privacy, and innovative features that are relevant to our clients, improve their performance, and get results.

You don’t have to wait around while we put all our time and effort into marketing that’s great for shoe shops and bakeries. Instead, you get 100 percent of our attention all the time—whether we’re building custom probate calculators, strengthening HIPAA compliance features, or finding more effective ways to get patients excited about your cash-pay services.

We’re Holistic and Transparent About What We Do

I firmly believe that you should always know what’s happening with your marketing and why. You should understand what to expect from the marketing you invest in. You should always own your own website and be able to add or change pages without a hassle. You should never feel like you’re being held hostage by your marketing company or that you’ll lose everything if one tactic or idea doesn’t pan out.

You should be the captain at the helm with every decision, even if you’re relying on our experts to develop and implement your marketing strategy.

This is important because there are no “magic bullet” solutions in digital marketing. Instead, you need to build and sustain a holistic, multi-channel approach that is customized to you. This means leaning into foundational, organic SEO strategies. It means producing high-quality, meaningful content that keeps you at the top of the search rankings. You have to consider email outreach, social media, video, paid advertising, and other channels, and you have to determine what is going to be the best and most sustainable mix for your practice.

If you don’t understand at least the basics of this complex system, you can’t tell if your marketing partner is doing what they should be doing for you. That’s why everyone on my team is here to educate and empower clients, no matter where they are in their marketing journey. We’re completely transparent about what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and how it affects your overall performance. And we understand that every part of your marketing needs to enhance your overall multi-channel marketing machine.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a pro—we make time for you to ask questions, get real answers, bounce around ideas, and review your progress. We’ll even teach you and your team how to do it for yourselves, and we’ll give you the tools you need to do it well!


“FWM is simply amazing. My SEO is always at the top. I have probably doubled my new patients because of them.”—Peter Wishnie, D.P.M., Family Foot & Ankle Specialists





“FWM helps you feel confident about the work that needs to be put in and sets the roadmap for you to get there.”—Simone DeLoach, DeLoach, Hofstra & Cavonis, P.A.



We Believe in Great Relationships and Customer Service

We don’t just build websites and marketing strategies. We build long-lasting relationships with our clients. One of the biggest complaints I hear from attorneys and doctors is that their marketing partners don’t communicate with them. When there’s a problem, they’re left waiting for days or weeks for a callback—and, even then, they struggle to make simple changes or get problems resolved.

At Foster Web Marketing, we want every client to have an incredible experience with us. This is how we make it happen:

  • We maintain a full-time, dedicated support team and afterhours emergency support.
  • We have a dedicated IT team to help you with any technical issues.
  • When you call, you talk to a real person that probably already knows your name and is familiar with your business.
  • Our customer service is unmatched in the industry, and my team gets back to clients at lightning speed.
  • If there is an issue, the same staff member walks through the troubleshooting process with you until it’s resolved.
  • You’re working with the same strategists and coaches all the time, and we get to know and care about the clients we work with.

So many of our longtime clients have turned into lifelong friends. And I think that’s the only way to run a marketing company right.

You’re not on an island alone. You’re not getting juggled around to 15 different people you’ve never met before. You’re never left hanging while you lose leads and opportunities. Instead, you’re treated like a real person that we really like, and we take your questions and concerns seriously. We want to see you and your business succeed!

zoe“I have been working with FWM for 1 year, and have had a fantastic experience with them. They are always available for any issues I may have, and guide me through them. Jessica is extremely knowledgeable with DSS and adding content, and her help is invaluable as a marketing coach. I have also worked with Toby on IT, and even though he is the head of IT, he is always available, taking his time to figure out a solution and teaching me at the same time. They are both amazing!”—Zoe Ramos, Forward Foot & Ankle Center

We’re Actually Focused on Getting You the Clients and Patients You Want

Lots of so-called marketing companies focus on what’s quick, easy, and profitable for themselves—not for you. They put all your money into paid advertising while pocketing kickbacks and commissions for themselves. They sell you a bunch of cheap, AI-generated content that doesn’t actually help you attract leads or raise your search rankings. There are all kinds of marketing tricks and scams out there.

And if your campaign fails, or you’re spending a ton without getting any actual clients or patients for your efforts, they’re nowhere to be found. Or they just tell you that you need to spend “more” without showing their work or helping you understand what’s going wrong.

I don’t want to own a company like that.

I want to support you in doing the things that are proven to work, even if they’re hard, so that you can reliably get the patients and clients you want.

Your business is unique, and so is our approach to your strategy. We provide you with a custom plan to help you meet your goals, and we meet with you regularly to reevaluate and adjust your performance, strategy, and execution as your business grows.

We know the value of organic and local SEO as part of a robust marketing strategy. We know it gets results, and it’s something that retains value over time. You can build on it. You can add new marketing channels and amplify what’s working well. If you want to try something a little outside the box, all the other pieces of your strategy are still working for you while you test it out.

Paid ads stop working for you as soon as you stop throwing money at them, but true marketing has staying power. We help you mitigate risks and build a comprehensive, long-lasting plan that is measurable and driven by data.

That’s what a client-first approach looks like to me. We don’t go in for quick, cheap tricks—unless we can prove that they work! Instead, it’s about always choosing to do what’s best for our clients, and that’s how we approach every problem.


“I cannot say enough good things about Foster Web Marketing. They are more than just a company that created and maintains my website. They are truly a marketing partner, in every sense of the word. They are fully invested in my success, and they never stop trying to help me improve my marketing. Put simply, there is no other company I would want to work with. I give them my Absolute highest recommendation. They are the best.”—Michael Monteforte, Monteforte Law