After spending time and money on web marketing, chances are that you would like a tool to track your marketing effectiveness. In order to track your lawyer marketing efforts and improve site performance, you should be using Google Analytics.  

Because Foster Web Marketing understands you are busy meeting with clients and growing your law firm, we have put together a short video to help you understand this robust analytics tool. Senior SEO Analyst Gina Pasqua demonstrates in this video how to use Google Analytics for lawyers, how to find out where your site traffic is coming from, how to determine what keywords are bringing in the most web traffic, and how to locate the necessary data that will help improve your attorney website visibility. By reviewing this data, the insights you gain can help improve your attorney SEO efforts to ultimately boost conversion.

For help with Google Analytics or to learn more about improving your site performance, contact the attorney SEO gurus at Foster Web Marketing at 888.886.0939 or fill out our contact form online at

Are You Considering Adding Customized, High Quality Videos To Your Legal Or Medical Website? You Should Be!

In today's fast-paced, highly technical online world, if you're not using unique, customized video to attract new leads and clients you're definitely missing a key component to your marketing strategy. Foster Web Marketing is here to help! Please contact us online or call our office directly at 888.886.0939 to schedule your free consultation with our experienced marketing team. We have been helping clients throughout the United States and internationally since 1998 and are confident we can help you not only reach, but exceed your goals.