This video features Virginia DUI and reckless driving speeding lawyer Bob Battle and Tom Foster, CEO of Foster Web Marketing, as they discuss how the lawyer website online conversion process works.
The conversion process starts when someone searches Google for a relevant keyword, lands on Mr. Battle’s website, and requests more information. After this, Mr. Battle follows up with the client. One follow-up item is to see if the case is in the right region of the state that is suitable for his practice. There are specific regions of Virginia that Mr. Battle goes to and where he is familiar with the nuances of the area.
Mr. Battle is also able to enter the contact information into his newsletter contacts. Even if he does not wind up representing the person, he still enters the information into his newsletter contacts. He does so for several reasons: One reason is that the person may need someone in the future in a different region in the state. Another reason is that the person may have a friend or family member in Mr. Battle’s area of focus that needs representation.
Generating leads and having a high conversion rate can have far-reaching effects on the success of your law firm. Find out how to improve your online presence and business through lawyer website online conversion by calling Foster Web Marketing at 888.886.0939.
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