Professional Book Writing Services For Lawyers and podiatrists Foster Web Marketing

“Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.” ― Walter E. Disney

When you develop an expertise in something, a book is the next logical step. Writing a book shares your expertise with the world, informs your potential clients, and shows that you are a trustworthy authority on the topic. When you put that book online, you can potentially crush your competition and give your potential clients something of lasting value.

However, if you create a book that is sloppy, boring, or confusing, then you risk looking unprofessional and driving away potential clients who may have otherwise been ready to convert. 

So, if you are considering writing a book for your attorney website, it better be good—and it better be as professional as you are.

A Professional Commands Attention and Delivers Value

A good book starts with an attention-grabbing title and an enticing taste of what is to come. The cover design and content should immediately pique readers’ interest and invite them to keep reading.

Keep in mind, though, that a good book only becomes great when the content inside delivers what the cover promises. For example, if the title of your book is “10 Insider Tips for Estate Planning,” readers should find those ten tips inside.

The “meat” of your book should be written well, edited thoroughly, and carefully proofread for errors. You can increase reader interest and the overall value of your book by avoiding:

  • Information that is nearly identical to that found on your website
  • Legalese or overly complicated explanations of legal terms and situations
  • Long chapters, untitled chapters, or no chapters at all
  • Walls of text without visual breaks or interesting graphics (pictures, graphs, and charts)
  • Hard sales language or heavy-handed advertisements for your services

Ultimately, a good book doesn’t waste readers’ time. It offers something of value in language they understand, and it leaves them more informed and confident about the topic. While it points them in the right direction to learn more or get help, it doesn’t pressure them to become a client or shove sales messages down their throats.

A Professional Shares Knowledge and Becomes an Authority

When you write a book, people start to see you as an authority on a subject. A well-written book can attract attention from the media and stimulate backlinks from authoritative sites, both of which set you up to reach wider audiences with your message. The book may be the first impression people have of you and your business, and it may be the first reference they turn to when they see you on television or read about you in the news.

Writing an interesting book sets you apart from your competition because it gives potential clients a good idea of who you are and how you help. If your book has already offered actionable guidance and helped the reader with a problem, then they will always think of you as a trustworthy source they and their loved ones can turn to with their questions.

A Professional Understands the Audience and Speaks to Them

A great book is something that people hold on to for reference and share with others who have similar questions. But to be truly great, a book needs to be relevant to its audience’s lives and offer answers to their most important questions. It should have a purpose and respect its readers’ time and attention. While there are a lot of types of books you can promote successfully on your website; the most successful tend to be those that speak directly to a highly targeted audience.

For example, a book titled “Car Accident Laws in Kansas” might generate some interest, but it isn’t entirely clear who should read the book. Is it a book for attorneys? Is it a book for victims? You’re likely to capture more attention with a book titled “What to Do After You’ve Been Hurt in a Car Accident in Kansas” or “A Kansas Victims’ Guide to Legal Rights After a Wreck,” which instantly tell people who should read the book and why.

Book Writing Services for Attorneys, podiatrists, and Other Professionals

Writing a book can be a difficult undertaking, but you don’t have to do it on your own. Whether you've already written the first draft of your book or haven't even begun, our book writing specialists can help. With a wide and flexible range of services, we can custom fit a plan to create, publish, and promote a book that reflects the expertise of your law firm or medical practice online.

Are You Considering Publishing A Book In Order To Help Your Law Firm Or Medical Practice Get More Leads? You Should Be!

If you are searching for a trusted, authoriative partner to help you write and publish a book to help grow your practice Foster Web Marketing is here to help. Contact us online or call our office directly at 866.497.6199 to schedule your free consultation. We have been helping clients throughout the United States and internationally since 1998 and are confident we can help you not only reach, but exceed your goals.

Tom Foster
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Founder|Owner, Speaker, Creator of DSS, World of Marketing Podcast Host, EOS Implementor
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