Why Lawyers Should Use Video for Online Marketing

You have a conversion-focused website. You’ve written compelling content for your perfect clients. Now, it’s time to bring your marketing messages to life with professional videos.

If you think that video is just a little “luxury extra” in your marketing strategy, think again. Video is everywhere online. It motivates clicks on websites, shares on social media, and better engagement with the people you most want to reach.

Not sure that video marketing is right for your law firm? If you’re not totally convinced, check out our 4 biggest reasons why you should get in front of the camera now. 

1. Online Video Is Not a Passing Trend.

FWM got on the video bandwagon long before it was “cool,” and even we’re shocked at how big it’s become. The popularity of web video has grown exponentially over the years—and there is nothing to indicate that it’s going to stop.

In 2018, 85 percent of internet users in the U.S. reported that they watched online video. Nearly 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day. Videos dominate as some of the most-shared and most-liked content on social media.

It’s clear to us that video is no danger of being just a short-term trend or a passing fad. Instead, it has become a way of life for millions—or even billions—of people who get online each day.

2. People LOVE Video.

Back in the days of dial-up internet, it was a pain in the neck to watch video. It took forever to load even a low-quality video, and the playback was usually full of stops and starts. Now, most people have access to high-speed connections and have no problem watching as many online videos as they want to. The days of waiting for grainy videos to load are over—and people can’t get enough of it. People search YouTube for quick how-to videos, and they’ll whip out their phones anywhere to show friends and family videos that impressed them.

Mobile users are especially ahead of the pack when it comes to video. Many mobile users skip the text entirely and go straight to video when they have a question. It’s easy and fast to do on a phone or tablet, and they tend to remember those videos and retain more of the information than they do with text alone.

Ultimately, some people just prefer video over text, and their numbers are growing. Using both text and video on your website means you appeal to everyone—and you offer a multi-media experience that lets everyone get to know you and your law firm better.

3. Video Drives Traffic to Your Website.

Video drives traffic to your website in lots of ways. Having video on your site can signal to Google that you offer quality content for its users. Some studies even show that sites featuring video and other media regularly rank higher than those that don’t.

And, speaking of Google, if you host your website videos on YouTube, you’re doubling your video power. YouTube is owned by Google, and its search engine is second only to Google in popularity. Users can watch videos on your site, search for your videos on YouTube, and may see your videos featured in Google’s regular search results. When done right, even a handful of videos on your website can supercharge your visibility and drive more people back to your website with their questions. 

Once people click through to your site, high-quality videos can also convince them to stick around longer—and that time spent on your site is another indicator to Google that your site is making searchers happy. You can even share your videos on your social media pages to get the word out to potential clients who may not have ever visited your website before!

4. Video Converts People Who Need Help Now.

Lots of people make videos, but not everyone makes videos that really resonate with the right people. Videos should answer questions, address concerns, and breathe life into your branding and message. When you use web video to speak to the immediate needs of your law firm’s perfect clients, you convert more visitors into clients and passionate fans of your brand.

Why does video convert?

Video is quick, easy, and everywhere, like we talked about above. Video also has the power to answer your clients’ questions before they even walk in your door or pick up the phone. You look knowledgeable and generous for sharing your expertise, and your passion and personality become a part of the information your viewers take away. Video lets viewers start to feel like they know you, and they are converted when you give them something of real value to take away and use to solve their problems.

Video is also more compelling than text, and it’s a chance to speak directly to a specific segment of your audience. When you really use video to focus on who you want to reach, you can deliver a message that is immediately helpful—and people remember the people who help them in their time of need.

If your video helped your potential clients once, they already know you are someone who has the ability and dedication to help them again. 

Get Professionally Produced Videos That Accomplish More for Your Business

Looking professional is an important part of every law firm’s marketing strategy—and having professional videos is just as important as dressing well and maintaining your office.

When you reach out to your perfect clients through video, make sure that you show your law firm at its very best. Check out our on-site video shoot packages to work with our award-wining video team, or contact Foster Web Marketing at 888.886.0939 to talk about how to optimize your videos and develop a stronger video strategy for your law firm.

Are You Considering Adding Customized, High Quality Videos To Your Legal Or Medical Website? You Should Be!

In today's fast-paced, highly technical online world, if you're not using unique, customized video to attract new leads and clients you're definitely missing a key component to your marketing strategy. Foster Web Marketing is here to help! Please contact us online or call our office directly at 888.886.0939 to schedule your free consultation with our experienced marketing team. We have been helping clients throughout the United States and internationally since 1998 and are confident we can help you not only reach, but exceed your goals.

Jim Folliard
Connect with me
Founder, Director, Cinematographer, Photographer & Editor
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