1. You Aren’t Sending Paid Clicks to a Targeted Landing Page
You put a ton of work into your ad campaigns. You’ve put together compelling graphics, copy, and maybe even video to entice potential clients to click through your ad. But where does your ad take them when they do decide to click?
If you’re sending people to your homepage or another multi-purpose page on your website, it’s likely that you’re not getting as many conversions as you should from your ads. It puts your potential clients in a position where they have to hunt around for what they’re looking for, and it can leave them wondering, “why am I here?”
That’s why we always recommend creating a targeted landing page for each of your PPC campaigns. It should speak directly to the offer or service you’re promoting, without a lot of other distractions. It should make a connection with the people that have come to you through your ad campaign. And it should include trust signals (like reviews and testimonials), along with a strong call to action that convinces visitors to take the next step with you.
In a nutshell, you should be putting as much thought into your PPC landing pages as you put into your ads! Not sure how to do it? Find out how to create landing pages that convert PPC visitors.
2. You Aren’t Tracking Your Law Firm’s PPC Leads Effectively
Not tracking leads—or not tracking leads effectively—is a huge oversight for any law firm that’s investing in PPC advertising. You can’t expect a huge return on your investment if the leads you’re paying for are falling through the cracks! Instead, you need to have sophisticated lead-tracking software that helps you manage and nurture the leads you’re generating with your ad spend.
For example, our DSS software includes a powerful CRM where you can store, organize, and analyze valuable information about every lead you get. You can set up notifications when new leads come in, automatically capture contact information, tag and segment your contacts, and more. It also makes it easy to measure the ROI of your PPC campaigns and make data-driven decisions about your marketing strategy.
Tracking every lead you’ve paid for is absolutely critical for keeping your PPC spending in check. Thankfully, modern technology has made the whole process a lot easier. With the right software, you’ll never miss an opportunity to turn a PPC lead into a client, and you can constantly improve your results with insights from the data you collect.
3. You Aren’t Using Negative Keywords to Save Money and Improve Conversions
There’s a ton of information out there about choosing the perfect PPC keywords to target with your paid campaigns. It’s the obvious place to start when you aren’t getting good results from PPC. And, although there’s a lot we could say about how to research and choose PPC keywords, I’d rather spend the time we have today talking about something that you might NOT know about: negative keywords.
You can add “negative keywords” to your PPC campaigns that help filter out unwanted and irrelevant clicks. For example, you might add “pro bono” or “DIY” to your negative keyword list to avoid paying for curious clicks from people that are searching for free or self-help solutions. You could also exclude keywords for services or practice areas that don’t really match what you offer. For example, some divorce attorneys might add “mediator” or “international divorce” to the negative keyword list for a campaign to avoid leads that aren’t a great fit for their law firms.
There’s a lot you can do with negative keywords, and it’s something that gives you a lot of control over the type and quality of clicks you get. A great list of negative keywords paired with your well-researched and highly targeted keywords will reduce the amount you’re spending on unwanted clicks and get you more focused on the clicks that can turn into perfect clients for your law firm.
4. You Aren’t Getting Specific Enough About Location
Paid advertising works best when it’s highly specific. You should know exactly who you’re trying to attract, and you should know exactly where you’re trying to attract them from.
This can be a little tricky for some law firms, especially if you’re open to taking relevant cases from anywhere in your state or even around the nation or internationally. However, ads that target huge geographic regions tend to perform poorly. They might attract more overall views and traffic than highly geo-targeted ads, but that traffic is often made up of poor-quality leads that don’t turn into cases and clients.
If that sounds familiar, you might want to try targeting smaller areas with your ad campaigns. Even if you want clients from all over the state, you’re likely to get more clicks and conversions if you create multiple campaigns that are targeted toward keywords for major neighborhoods, cities, and regions. For example, is the same ad going to work as well in New York City as it does in Buffalo? How about rural Virginia versus the D.C. metro area?
Thinking through more location-specific ads is a chance to tailor your ad copy and landing pages so that you make stronger connections with your audience—and that’s what really helps you get more conversions.
5. You Set Your PPC Campaigns and Forget About Them
You’ve followed all the tips above. You’ve launched your ads. You’re paying for your clicks every month. But are you really paying attention to what’s going on with your PPC ads?
This is absolutely the biggest mistake we see lawyers make with PPC advertising. They put in all the work to create an awesome ad campaign, and they turn it on and forget about it. To get a real return on your PPC spend, you need to carefully manage your ads all the time. You need to analyze your results and make adjustments that save you money and make your ads better at attracting actual clients and cases.
If you’re not monitoring and managing your PPC, you won’t know if it’s really working. And that means that you can’t know if the money you’re spending is really worth it. So, whether you’re working with a marketing agency or doing it yourself, you need to always have your finger on the pulse of your ad spending.
Get More Cases and Clients With Law Firm PPC Management
PPC advertising has become an essential part of marketing law firms online, but that doesn’t mean that it’s simple or easy to do. You have to balance your paid ads with organic SEO and a robust marketing machine, and you have to constantly monitor your ad spend to make sure you’re getting an ROI that makes sense for your law firm.
Having trouble getting the most out of paid advertising? Need a hand getting your pay-per-click to actually pay off? Work with our experts to develop and manage a PPC strategy that works. You can learn more about our law firm PPC management services here, or give us a call at 888.886.0939 to talk about what you need with our friendly team.
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